Remote monitored VS manually inspected ?

Remote monitored VS manually inspected ?

We often get questioned over which system is right for a building or facility when it comes to emergency exit lighting management. In particular should a remotely monitored light system be installed or should a standard system be used that requires physical inspection every 6 months?Sometimes the choice is easy especially with a new build where installing a system that wasn't "smart" and connected to the www would just be a waste of money and would leave the building exposed to litigation if something was to go wrong. Budget of course plays a choice in the final decision but this is definitely one of the times spending a little more at the beginning will pay you back in the future.Lets look at the pros and cons of both traditional manually…
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The Ultimate Tamper-resistant Exit Sign

The Ultimate Tamper-resistant Exit Sign

Avoid costly callbacks and unhappy facilities managers with these new extra-secure exit signs. Where you need unsurpassable protection against vandalism, the Securit LED exit signs reign supreme. They are ideal for prisons, correctional facilities, detention centres, police stations and psychiatric wards. Werribee Mercy Hospital in Victoria has jumped on the Securit LED Exits. Combined with our Axiom computer monitoring system, Securit provides them a long term energy efficient, cost efficient, and low maintenance emergency lighting solution. Securit features include: Unbreakable flexible thermo plastic diffuser Diffuser unusable as a weapon if dislodged Anti-tamper Resitork screws to prevent removal of the unit Thick 6mm interior cover to prevent entry to electronic components and LEDs 4W LED L70 @ 50,000hrs Standalone emergency or wireless Axiom networked emergency models available Quick terminal block –…
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Grenfell Tower disaster.

Grenfell Tower disaster.

This tragedy should not have happened. Human lives are at the core of fire safety and many basic elements were not implemented in this building.
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Legrand’s LIION: the future battery for Emergency Lighting

Legrand’s LIION: the future battery for Emergency Lighting

Legrand’s new Emergency Lighting luminaires have arrived with the latest Lithium-ion battery technology. The LIION range is specifically designed and manufactured in Australia to suit Australian and New Zealand conditions. With an operational lifespan of up to 10 years, they will deliver a greatly extended battery life, far beyond the expected lifespan of traditional NiCd/lead-acid batteries. Moreover, this lightweight battery uses ‘green technology’; that is, it incorporates methods of energy storage and is manufactured from materials that are far less harmful to the environment than more conventional ways of storing energy. Let’s ‘put the fire out’, so to speak But don’t lithium-ion batteries cause fires? You may have heard about phones and laptops bursting into flame from overly-heated lithium-ion batteries, but let’s set the record straight – there are different…
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